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Referring Patients to the Bariatric Care Center.

The Bariatrics Care Center at Ellis Medicine is the trusted partner for providers and patients seeking the most comprehensive approach to medically managed weight loss. From medication to personalized coaching to cutting-edge surgical interventions, we provide complete support for safe, long-term weight loss.

Why choose Ellis for your patient’s weight loss?

  • Proven Excellence: Ellis Bariatrics is a MBSAQIP-accredited center.
  • Diverse Solutions: We offer a complete suite of options, from surgery to medication to nutritional services. We are the first in the region to offer outpatient bariatric surgery.
  • Surgical Innovation: The latest in robotic-assisted surgery through the da Vinci surgical system to increase comfort and decrease recovery time.
  • Expert Support Team: Our dedicated team, comprising doctors, nurses, dietitians, patient navigators, behavioral health and more, collaborates to ensure the best patient outcomes.
  • Patient-Centric Approach: We design weight loss programs around individual goals, with coaching and support for diet and nutrition, exercise, and fitness to promote lasting lifestyle changes.
  • Ongoing Community Support: We provide regular support sessions to foster community and encouragement throughout the weight loss journey.

To refer your patients to the Bariatric Care Center at Ellis,

  • Call 518.243.1313 to schedule an appointment.
  • Fax a referral to 518.831.7007

When should I refer my patients?

  • Patients qualify for weight-loss intervention based on specific criteria:
  • Medically managed weight loss criteria: patients with BMI greater than 27 with comorbidities or BMI greater than 30
  • Bariatric surgery criteria: patients with BMI greater than 35 with weight-related comorbidities or BMI greater than 40

For additional details, call 518.243.1313